শুক্রবার, ২ মার্চ, ২০১২

Video: Ann Romney loses patience with the media

>>> back to decision 2012 . ann's romney 's growing frustration with the media covering her husband. she said i'm no mad at the press that i could just strangle them. he said members o of the media don't want to see her husband elected and like to see some of them kicked off the campaign bus . david's thanks for joining us.

>> ann is an interesting person on many levels like so many women married to politicians. she's standing there ready to defend her husband. what is this issue with the media. i know she was joking with the strangle remark, but she does have serious concerns.

>> mitt romney has one of the worst relationships with the media than any of the candidates on this field. he gives less access to the press than newt gingrich , ron paul or rick santorum . they don't get access, which is what they want. then romney doesn't get good headlines. there's a second part of this. romney had a tough couple of weeks with scrutiny. it's story after story. why won't the conservatives get on board. why can't he clinch this thing. as a spouse it's natural to get upset and fight for your husband.

>> we know it's natural and we know the game of politics where the woman is turned into the bossy, overbearing spouse. that doesn't just happen to democrats. we see that happen to wives of republican candidates as well. it is a balance of sticking up for your guy but knowing that the media or some could come back at you.

>> that's true. i don't think there's an impression of ann romney being mean-spirited or going over the lines with the comments. i think it does represent a frustration. it's probably better coming from her than mitt romney . you don't want the candidate complaining about the coverage. any time a candidate is complaining, that means they are losing. a lot of people think she's the warmer person of the to, connects better, has a softer touch. in a way it's a better argument for her to maim.

>> we also know, for example, the first lady, one of the most popular people in washington, d.c., those whoa are critics of her husband taken shots at her for wanting children to eat healthy or her comments that, i think were taken out of context, when she referred to this country and people tried to beat him over the head for her remarks. nothing she said is over the top , but we know there are people waiting on the other side to pounce on these spouses.

>> sure. that's part of the new political reality. spouses are part of the game and they are open for krit sticcriticism. remember, michelle obama had her own transformation during the campaign. she did get beat up by a lot of those comments when she said this is the first moment i'm proud. really, once she got into office, her approval ratings flipped. she's now seen as an asset to the president. they're going to have her out on the campaign trail in battleground states . they want her before many audience. . they would rather have michelle obama , she could raise more money than the president in certain areas of the country.

>> that might be well said of ann romney sooner or later the way she's able to work a crowd. even the other night after the votes came in, she stepped up to the mike without a teleprompter and moved the aud audience.

>> she's a warm figure. she radiates warmth. i think any time she's with him it's a good thing for him. when she complains about the press, she probably gets more of a pass because we haven't heard many complaints from ann romney . she's still going the intro introductory phase. this is one small comment she made. i don't think lit have a significant impact.

>> thank you so much. greatly appreciate it.

>> sure.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/46593281/

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