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Toyota?s New Family of Prius Models Dominates ACEEE Greenest List


The Toy?ota Prius and its new fam?ily of coun?ter?parts dom?i?nated the Amer?i?can Coun?cil for an Energy-Efficient Economy?s (ACEEE) 15th annual com?pre?hen?sive, ?Green?est,? envi?ron?men?tal rat?ings. The Toy?ota Prius C, the com?pact, high?est mileage ver?sion of the Prius, took the top spot. The orig?i?nal Prius took num?ber three, the new Prius Plug-in Hybrid took num?ber four, and the larger Prius V took num?ber 11 on the list. Con?sumers and fleets now have a wider, more impres?sive list of fuel effi?cient vehi?cle offer?ings as the aggres?sive national fuel econ?omy stan?dards have kicked in for model years 2012 to 2025. Other top scor?ers are the Honda Fit elec?tric vehi?cle (#2) and the Honda Civic Hybrid (#5). Three Ford vehi?cles made the list: the Focus EV and the Fusion and C-Max hybrids. Euro?pean vehi?cles also placed on the list, with VW?s new Jetta hybrid and the Smart ForTwo plac?ing #7 and?#8.

This year, con?ven?tional vehi?cles were largely dri?ven off the ?Green?est? list by hybrid-electric, plug-in hybrid-electric, and all-electric vehi?cles. The Scion IQ and Smart ForTwo are the only non-hybrid, non-plug-in vehi?cles to remain on the list. Even the 8-time first-place Honda Civic Nat?ural Gas vehi?cle was pushed out of the top twelve in 2013. The dirt?i?est vehi?cle for 2013 is the Ford F-350 FFV pickup truck with a Green Score of 17, fol?lowed by the Ford F-250 (FFV), and Ford E-350 wagon, both also scor?ing 17. The Amer?i?can Coun?cil for an Energy-Efficient Economy?s 15th annual com?pre?hen?sive envi?ron?men?tal rat?ings can be found at greenercars.org.

Source: http://automotivedigest.com/2013/01/toyotas-new-family-of-prius-models-dominates-aceee-greenest-list/

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