Yesterday?s news of a young man found dead at an inter?net cafe in Tai?wan is just the lat?est case of an increas?ingly com?mon?occur?rence: drop?ping dead while play?ing video?games.
With the rise in pop?u?lar?ity of ?never end?ing? games like World of War?craft, Star Wars: The Old Repub?lic, and other online games that design their entire busi?ness mod?els around keep?ing play?ers hooked, video game addic?tion is an issue that?s get?ting a lot of atten?tion lately.
But are the games them?selves to blame, or does it come down to indi?vid?ual gamers who just don?t know how to take care of them?selves? ?While many of us are able to play a lot of games and still lead (rel?a?tively) nor?mal lives, it seems we?ve all known at least one other gamer who strug?gles to main?tain a healthy gaming/life balance.
In my for?mer WoW life, I never knew any?one who died as a direct result of play?ing the game?but I did wit?ness first?hand how play?ers? addic?tions led to other ter?ri?ble things hap?pen?ing in their lives. ?I knew peo?ple who lost their jobs, neglected their chil?dren, dropped out of col?lege, and?got divorced. ?And though they?d deny the root cause of these prob?lems, it wasn?t hard for the rest of us to under?stand the con?se?quences that go along with spend?ing 15+ hours of every day logged in to a vir?tual environment.
Below are six woe?ful tales of peo?ple who died play?ing video?games:
Gamer?s Death at Inter?net Cafe Goes Unnoticed
Just yes?ter?day, Chen Rong-yu, a 23 year old Tai?wanese man,?died while play?ing League of Leg?ends, a free online MMORPG, at an inter?net cafe in New Taipei city this past Tues?day. ?His body was found slumped over in a chair with his hands?stretched?out towards the key?board and mouse. ?The most hor?ri?fy?ing part is that none of the cafe?s other patrons noticed until NINE HOURS LATER. The ongo?ing inves?ti?ga?tion into his death reveals the gamer may have suf?fered from car?diac arrest trig?gered by a com?bi?na?tion of tired?ness, lack of move?ment, and cold temperatures.
Xbox Addict Dies from Blood?Clot
Bud?ding com?puter pro?gram?mer Chris Stan?i?forth, who was only 20 years old, died from play?ing too much?Halo. ?His 12-hour marathon Xbox ses?sions caused a fatal pul?monary embolism, a type of blood clot that can occur when some?one sits in the same posi?tion for sev?eral hours. ?Chris had just been accepted to Leices?ter Uni?ver?sity to study game design when he col?lapsed out?side a UK Job?cen?tre after com?plain?ing of a low heart rate. He had no pre?vi?ous med?ical conditions.
Online Gamer Dies After 3-Day Session
An uniden?ti?fied 30 year old man in Bei?jing died after spend?ing three days immersed in an online game?at a local inter?net cafe. ?He lost con?scious?ness and was rushed to a hos?pi?tal but could not be revived. ?Accord?ing to reports, the man had spent more than 10,000 yuan (approx?i?mately $1,500) on gam?ing in the months before his?death.
Man Loses Job, Dies After Gam?ing for 50?Hours
A 28 year old man from South Korea?died while play?ing Star?craft for 50 hours with only few short breaks. The cause of death was pre?sumed to be heart fail?ure stem?ming from exhaus?tion. ?The man, who had eaten very lit?tle dur?ing his marathon gam?ing ses?sion, only stopped play?ing to go to the toi?let a few times and for brief peri?ods of sleep. ?He had recently been fired from his job because he kept miss?ing work to play com?puter?games.
WoW Gamer Kicked from Guild, Too Dead to Log?In
Jer?ald Span?gen?berg, an avid World of War?craft player, died while raid?ing with his WoW guild after get?ting into a heated argu?ment dur?ing the raid. His cause of death was an abdom?i?nal aneurysm, pre?sum?ably brought about by long peri?ods of sit?ting at the com?puter com?bined with the stress of the argu?ment. After Jer?ald sud?denly went silent dur?ing the raid, he was auto-logged out of the game after 10 min?utes of inac?tiv?ity and did not log in again. ?His guildies assumed he was ?being child?ish and had?deserted?them, so they kicked him out of the guild and kept on raid?ing. ?It wasn?t until three weeks later that they learned what hap?pened from Jerald?s daugh?ter (and felt hor?ri?ble about?it).
Young Girl Dies After Play?ing WoW for Sev?eral Days Straight
A young Chi?nese girl known by her nick?name ?Snowly? died after play?ing World of War?craft for sev?eral days straight dur?ing a national hol?i?day. ?Snowly was a key mem?ber of her WoW guild, who said the girl had been prepar?ing for a very dif?fi?cult raid and had had very lit?tle rest in the days prior. ?An in-game funeral was held for Snowly in the week after her death, but sadly the event was over?shad?owed by the death of another pop?u?lar WoW player dur?ing the same?week.
Yes kids, it is pos?si?ble to lit?er?ally game your?self to death. ?May?these sto?ries serve as a warn?ing to you, fel?low gamers, to put down the con?troller every once in a while to eat and sleep. ?And for shit?s sake, get some exercise!
Related posts:
- What games will you be play?ing this Thanksgiving?
- Com?ing Soon: ?The Art of Video Games? Exhibit (Or, Why I?m Glad I Live Near?D.C.)
- The 2011 Video Games I?m Most Look?ing For?ward?To
- ?From Bed?rooms to Bil?lions? is a New Doc?u?men?tary about the Evo?lu?tion of Video?Games
- The Big List of Horror-Themed Adven?ture?Games
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