শনিবার, ১০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Lung-Brain Cancer: An Impossible Healing Part 3: Reflection and ...

When a lawyer makes a mistake, he loses his case in court;?When an engineer makes a mistake, the building collapses;?But when a doctor makes a mistake, it gets buried in his patient?s grave ?~ A Cancer Patient

Acknowledgment: ?We thank the patient and her family for sharing this bitter-sweet story with us. Permission to use these video clips without having to cover their faces is granted by the patient?s husband.

While Suri was undergoing the e-Therapy at our centre in Penang, we took the opportunity to interview her husband. This is an opportunity to get to know in greater detail about what had really happened.? Below are excerpts of our conversation over a period of three days ? 30th and 31st August and 1 September 2011.



1.?????? The Surrender and Started on Sutent?

  • Actually her problem was detected in 2007. Examination showed a small dot in her lung. She refused to do anything about it. In 2008, while on a holiday trip to China with some friends, she became breathless and vomited. On her return from China she went to Singapore for consultation. Scan showed a large tumour in her lung ? probably Stage 3A.
  • She underwent medical treatment for her lung cancer. Unfortunately her health deteriorated. Sometime in February 2011 she complained of poor vision. The eye specialist told her this could be due to cataract. But suddenly she developed severe headaches.
  • ?When was she not able to walk? You came to see us in May 2011. About three months before our first visit here. Suddenly her condition just ?drop? severely accompanied with severe headache. So when she came here she was not able to walk, her vision was poor ? unable to recognize people around her, her left hand and right leg had no strength. Before that she was okay.
  • We brought her to Singapore to do chemotherapy. After the chemo, her condition ?dropped? further. We brought her back to Jakarta and did another cycle of chemo.
  • ?After that we brought her back to Singapore again to do more chemo. But ?someone? up there seems to intervene. She did not have enough white blood cells. So the oncologist could not give her anymore chemo.
  • If her WBC was okay, would you have done the chemo? ?We would. I fully believe in the doctor. Daughter: But I never agree to chemotherapy since the very beginning.
  • Daughter: The oncologist surrendered ? she gave up. She suggested taking Sutent saying that many of her patients were cured after taking this drug. The doctor told me, ?Bring this medication (Sutent) home and try it.?
  • A table of Sutent cost S$210. She took a tablet a day. She had more pains after taking the Sutent. The side effects for her were:? increased blood pressure, headaches and diabetes. ?I asked the doctor why she prescribed this drug to her. The oncologist replied, ?Many of my patients took it and get well. Go home and try it. If it works it works. If not she just ? (gesture with his bent finger).
  • Before she took Sutent, did you not ask if the drug can cure her? No one dares to answer such a question. The oncologist told me, ?I cannot say. The only one who knows the answer is the one up there!?
  • After she took Sutent her consumption of Panadol gradually increased from one tablet per day to six tablets per day.



2.?????? I regretted ? Money Does Not Buy Cure?

  • For all the treatments ? radiotherapy, Iressa, Tarceva, chemotherapy and Sutent ? the total cost came to more or less 2 milyar rupiah (1 milyar is 1,000,000,000 ? nine zeros) which is about S$300,000. The cost of one tablet of Tarceva is S$195 and she took this for about 2 years. One tablet of Sutent cost S$210 and she took this for a month plus. One chemo cost about S$7,000. I was curious about one expenditure item of S$120.00. After an enquiry I was told that it was the cost of the chair (plus services provided) which my wife sat on while receiving chemotherapy. The doctor?s consultation cost S$150.00, if I am not mistaken. I was also told to only buy the drugs from the doctor. I was told that cheaper drugs bought outside the oncologist?s clinic could be a fake. I believed everything what the doctor told me.
  • It is okay to spend that kind of money if there was a cure. But there was no cure. I regretted for going to Singapore for the treatment.
  • Let me confess. I was full of remorse. I regretted because even before she went for chemo, my relative in Penang had suggested that we try the herbs. I refused to entertain that idea. In my mind, that is all hocus pocus. How can herbs be better than the doctors in Singapore? Herbs are just traditional stuff and if they are that good then all doctors will have to close shop. So I dismissed the idea of taking herbs as being absolutely nonsensical.? I say again, I regretted this very much.
  • The doctors told her to eat anything ? to make her stronger. And when she regained her strength, she got ?hammered? with the chemo again. The cycle went on and one. Where do we go from there? On reflection, I begun to see how illogical it is.
  • While we were in the hospital in Singapore, I saw a patient from Medan. This patient had been going in and out for the past eight years ? coming for chemo and chemo. There was no end to it. I was afraid to ask the details of what had really happened. Anyway the patient eventually died after eight years of struggle. It struck me ? this is a prolongation of a meaningless survival.



3. CA Care, the Last Hope

  • In low voice, Suri?s husband said, ?Actually my wife requested that I leave her to die. She did not want to suffer any more.? At that point, a distant relative in Penang called us and suggested that we try CA Care. I had a discussion with my children. We shall abandon further medical treatment and go for herbs. At that time we were hoping for pain relief. We would accept if she dies but not to be in pain.
  • When you first came to CA Care, did you ever believe in what we do? I made it very clear to you from the very beginning that I cannot cure you. What you told me that night was most sensible. Stop taking all the bad food that encourage cancer and then use the herbs to help the body against cancer. This makes a lot of sense to me.?
  • We gave her the herbs for a week. She spat it all out onto our face. My relative talked and joked with her. When she was more relaxed we held her down, squeezed her nose and forced the herbs into her throat. After three days of doing that, there were less headaches. We had more confidence in your herbs.
  • She has been on the herbs for 4 months now, have you got anything to say about that? I would like to say thank you so much for helping us. I don?t know what to say. We have been doing this therapy everyday and you didn?t even charge us (broke down and cried). If you want me to worship you, I would do that.

To this Chris replied, Don?t worship me. ?Worship God and give thanks to Him. It is not me who do all these. I was just doing my best to help. My two children are doing well with their Ph.D.s. What we are doing here is not about money. In life money is not all important.

  • It is hard to do ?good? for others. If you have not experienced what it is like to get cancer, you cannot understand what we are doing and why we are doing this work.?

I understand. I have gone through this suffering for two and half years now. I know what you mean. That is why I am spreading words around about my wife. Many people saw my wife?s improvement.

  • My job is now done. I have nothing else to offer. Now it is your turn to take care and heal her. Never, never ever make any mistake again. Second, take care of her diet well.


It is not necessary for me to add any more comment. The story and the videos should convey enough messages.

We recognize that the work at CA Care is at odd with current medical thinking. Modern medicine wants to kill or shrink the tumour. And in the process kill the patients too. In The War on Cancer ? an anatomy of failure; Dr.? Guy Faguet , a cancer researcher and medical doctor, wrote, ?An objective analysis of cancer chemotherapy outcomes over the last three decades reveals that ? the cell-killing paradigm has failed to achieve its objective ? a model based on flawed premises with unattainable goal, cytotoxic chemotherapy in its present form will neither eradicate cancer nor alleviate suffering? (pg.89).

Dr. Ralph Moss, Ph.D., a highly respected advocate of non-conventional cancer treatment, said, ?? If you shrink the tumour by 50% or more for 28 days you got the FDA?s definition of an active drug ?. (but) when you see if there is any life prolongation from taking this treatment what you find is all kinds of hocus pocus ? this is the great lie about chemotherapy.?

At CA Care we teach patients to live with their cancers. Concentrate on what matters. We don?t know how to cure your cancer and we don?t pretend we can cure your cancer either. But like in this case, we know how to make your life better ? if you can eat, sleep,? walk, have no pains and can have a bit longer of meaningful life? what else do you want? Now, we say ? Patients, you have a choice! Whatever you choose, is your prerogative. But it is you, and I emphasize ? ?you and you alone, who are responsible for that choice.


Read the full story ?

Part 1: Hope after a disaster

Part 2: A week of amazing healing

Part 3: Reflection and confession of a husband

Part 4: What it takes to be a winner

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In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.

Source: http://cancercaremalaysia.com/2011/09/10/lung-brain-cancer-an-impossible-healing-part-3-reflection-and-confession-of-a-husband/

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